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An interview with The Grabarchuk Family at FamousWhy
July 11, 2010 – Grabarchuk Puzzles is more than a company, it's a real family. During many decades they worked in the Puzzle World. Grabarchuk Puzzles created various puzzles; make their designs and carefully test them; bring them to the market; compile and publish our puzzle creations in different books, magazines, newspapers, and on the Web; produced interactive puzzles; solved hundreds puzzles a year; made puzzle researches and historical studies; and they are involved into many other puzzle activities all over the World.

FW Editor: What are your plans or objectives in the near future?

The Grabarchuk Family: Developing new, innovative puzzle apps.

FW Editor: How and when did you start writing the code for iCut? What inspired you the most? Do you plan to develop new software, or are you more focused on optimizing the current ones?

The Grabarchuk Family: We've started iCut developing at the beginning of 2010. iCut is our old concept presented with some samples in various books and web sites. Currently we actively work on new apps.

FW Editor: iCut is a great puzzle game for iPhone devices. What is the thing you love the most in this game?

The Grabarchuk Family: Its simple design and original concept.

FW Editor: What shall we expect from iCut in the future? How do you plan to improve it?

The Grabarchuk Family: New puzzles. New modes. New features.

FW Editor: iCut has quite a strong competition but, so far, it succeeded in making a name for itself. What do you think about the huge success of iCut?

The Grabarchuk Family: Actually iCut is in its beginning of the success way...we hope :)

FW Editor: What is the main difference between iCut and other similar iPhone games?

The Grabarchuk Family: Frankly, we couldn't find any other app which is similar to iCut on design or concept yet ;)

FW Editor: Now, to end our small interview, is there any message you would like to send to iCut users?

The Grabarchuk Family: Happy puzzling!

ABOUT Grabarchuk Puzzles

Grabarchuk Puzzles is a family puzzle group which actively creates, develops and promotes new puzzles and puzzle concepts.

ABOUT FamousWhy was born on the 22nd of march 2006, starting off from the idea of offering the right answers to questions or curious enquires about the fame of the celebrities and the different important aspects that we all come in contact with, such as: Why is this celebrity famous? What was he/she doing before becoming famous? How did he/she become famous?

iCut is a trademark of The Grabarchuk Family.  Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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